Effectiveness of E-learning For Students


What is the value of e-learning?

Online learning has numerous advantages over traditional learning methods. Some of these include the possibility for students to make use of self-paced learning and to choose their own learning environments. Additionally, e-learning is both cost-effective and cost-efficient, as it removes the geographical obstacles often associated with traditional classrooms and education.

10 Biggest Benefits of eLearning for Students [2022]

eLearning offers a range of benefits for students, from convenience and flexibility to career readiness. Here are the 10 biggest benefits of eLearning for students.

The Benefits of E-Learning for students in the Contemporary World

Replacing the conventional chalk and board teaching method, e-learning has revolutionized the modern education system.

E-learning transforms the way knowledge is imparted to learners and makes the learning process easy and effective. 

It caters to the unique needs of today’s learners with its self-paced, personalized, relevant, and tech-driven online-learning programs.

These exclusive aspects of e-learning make it increasingly popular among the modern population.  

E-learning: The Advantages and Challenges

The global COVID-19 pandemic has triggered new ways of conducting the teaching-learning process online. For some this has been a small move but for others, this is a completely new way of education. Most nations have already initiated e-learning in their schools. Many schools in India have also adapted to the new normal of e-learning with varying degrees of success. Many progressive schools had already done a lot for the adoption of technology in their schools, which helped in quickly transitioning to a completely online delivery of teaching during the current crisis and with significant success. A recent survey conducted by us showed that more than 92% of students and parents were happy with the online delivery of lessons. 

Advantages of e-learning

There is a myriad of advantages of this widely embraced alternative to traditional learning. E-learning is appreciated as an ideally conceptualized approach to ensure the flow of learning for modern-day learners. Let’s quickly find out a few noteworthy advantages of e-learning that adds up for our better future.

1. The convenience of remote access to education

Without e-learning, the future of young learners could have been pushed to greater risk by the pandemic. The digital transition enabled the remote accessibility for systematic learning for millions across the world. Contrary to the traditional system, e-learning ensures remote accessibility to every lesson from a web-enabled gadget from the comfort of your home.

2. A feasible and irreplaceable alternative

E-learning allows for an unrestricted freedom to gain access to learnings to anyone willing to expand their skills and knowledge regardless of their age, gender, nationality, and creed. Since the outbreak of a pandemic, e-learning has emerged as an irreplaceable medium to access an assorted variety of learning and skills, that too from one’s own comfort and convenience.

3. Budget-friendly cost

The cost of e-learning or online courses is reasonably cheaper than the manual mode of learning. Opting for e-learning course saves you from a long list of expenses such as the cost of travel, fuel cost, cafeteria expenses, printing fees, etc. E-learning is rather budget-friendly as it cuts down the expenses for many things that are counted as the utmost requirement in manual learning. It as well saves your time of traveling to your institution, the same, you can utilize for learning a skill or indulge in any leisure.

4. Additional flexibility in several aspects

E-learning allows you to learn at your own convenience and at your own pace. Whether you opt for a short time course or full-time degree, it allows you to choose your own convenient time and course duration. In case if you forget anything or missed a few points during the lesson, you can seize the liberty to go back to the recorded sessions to understand the topic in a better or deeper manner.

Disadvantages of e-learning

On the contrary, e-learning also includes some disadvantages. A few are listed below. Let’s just give it a quick glance to learn what they are.

1. Deprivation of classroom experience

E-learning may grant you endless conveniences but it also deprives you of actual fun of learning in classrooms, fun with friends, the joy of games time, lunch break, punishments, etc. To put it simply, you will miss the excitement and the actual fun of learning with classmates. It ultimately isolates you rom social life which is a major need for personal development and mental well being.

2. Lack of interaction and raises concern for discipline

E-learning does not allow for personal interaction or communication between a teacher and a student. It hinders the teachers from figuring out whether the students are paying attention to their lessons or if the assignments they are uploading are their own hard work. Digital learning does not facilitate the physical presence of a teacher during classes and tests. Obviously, it gives enough reason to inflate skepticism for their discipline. It raises concerns regarding the sincerity of a learner accessing lessons from miles away behind a screen.

3. Prolonged screen exposure and lack of practical knowledge

E-learning compels prolonged exposure to screen. It may sound normal but too much exposure to the screen is not recommended both for kids and adults. In kids, prolonged screen exposure affects their mental development. Further, it creates a tremendous impact on their behavioral pattern. Too much exposure can weaken eyesight and result in migraines at an early age. It’s of crucial importance to recommend the learners to indulge in practical or creative hands-on learning to reduce their screen time.

4. Lack of access to digital education for an underprivileged lot

E-learning is a distant dream for those who are located in the rural provinces across the globe. Lack of internet facilities remains a high obstacle for them to gain access to online learning. Whereas, the problem even exists in urban areas. The kids belonging to the underprivileged lot and those that attended the government schools before the lockdown are unable to procure the convenient tools and facilities like costly bandwidth and gadgets for accessing online classes. For those with members working from home due to the pandemic are also latched from the privilege to attend online classes. The majority still are unable to pay for extra conveniences while being on the verge of financial collapse due to the rising concern of job loss.


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